storytime! my spirit sightings

 hiya! i'm moon_dahliaX and this is my first ever written post on my blog.

i'm going to talk about spirits and the other side a lot in here, so why no start off with a story on that?

i'm very familiar by now with all these souls. when i was a kid, they almost tormented me! i would see them in bus stops, in my house, at school....there was a man in a suit and hat that i always saw sat down at the same bar whenever i walked around the corner...i was curious, but really scared! my family isn't religious or spiritual at all so they thought it was just the imagination of a little girl running took until my teens for me to understand them as they were - spirits!

when i was 10, i must have been at school bathroom when i heard a short laugh....i was terrified, because i was alone and to top it off there are many urban legends involving school bathrooms! but the laughing voice just said she liked my shoes xD. so that was a kind spirit, wasn't it?? and yes, of course i checked the stalls and all, and there really wasn't anyone there messing with me.....

nowadays it's mostly the voices, but i've been wanting to explore this connection and my boyfriend visit graveyards frequently, so i can listen to them. i want to try visiting terreiros and maybe even spiritist centres, in hopes someone can orient me on how to deal with them better. i love being a medium! it feels somewhat special. it would make me happy to carry a conversation with one of them, imgaine that? so that is the plan for now :)


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