
Mostrando postagens de janeiro, 2007 boyfriend? (updates)

 hiya! i wanted to give an update on the situation with's not really gotten better. he was putting off seeing a psychiatrist even if i told him to....i think he is really scared of thinking he might be crazy :( but of course i would never see him as crazy, never judge him....i think he was just judged a lot in his life by other people. but anyways, that's not the point; the point is.....i think it might be actually spiritual, more and more... he told me he sees this cat in dreams, and now in real life, hears it, especially when he is working on the road....that doesn't sound like a hallucination to me. that sounds like a spirit! a persecutor, trying to scare him, not leaving him alone, harming him.....sometimes they have a bone to pick with us from a past life, even many past lives ago, but it's hard to understand it when it's a cat......and, besides, i cant really see it myself, and that's a big problem....i feel so stuck on how to help!...