nice lady at the cemetery
hiya! it's moon_dahliaX. i was at the graveyard on tuesday as usual, tending to some of the headstones, cleaning the leaves, putting up new flowers....all of it makes the spirits stuck there a bit happier - when i saw this lady sitting down on her own grave. she was young, dark skin, dark hair in braids, died in the 80s.....that's a long time to be stuck in the cemetery. we had a nice talk about......everything, really. family, romance,'s indelicate to ask how someone died so i refrained, but she revealed it on her own.....her husband murdered her. he couldn't accept the end of the relationship. it's always sad to hear of feminicide. it's so unfair, to die just because you're a really moved me. and now she is the one stuck, unable to move on because of her anger, so strong it keeps her tethered to this world. i really feel for her. i tried to guide her towards a spiritual hub with people who could help, but it seems she thinks she ...